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Step 8: Add a job to combine mappings (tutorial)

In this step, we'll put our AD account create mapping into a job, which lets us execute it.

Add the job
  1. Go to Output > Jobs.

  2. Click Add.

  3. Enter a Job Name.

    For this example, we'll call it HR500_AD, following the convention SourceSystem_TargetSystem.

  4. Click Add.

Configure the job
  1. Click Add for the Job Configuration pane. A new job item is added.

  2. For this example, we'll select a type of crud. For the Name, we'll select the HR500_AD_UserCreate mapping.

  3. Optional: Adjust the Threshold.

    When this job is executed, if the number of pending items in the attached mapping or role operation exceeds the threshold value, the job will be pre-emptively aborted.

    For this example, we'll increase the Threshold to 1000.

  4. Click Save.

Evaluate the job
  1. Go to the Execution tab.

  2. Click Evaluate.

  3. After a few moments, the Status changes to Initialized. This job will execute 585 user create operations.

  4. Optional: We could execute the job immediately by clicking Run. But for this example, we'll instead schedule the job to run on a regular basis.

Next: Step 9: Scheduler