Step 7: Add the Job to a Scheduled Task
In order for internal.password_reset records to be managed automatically, the job that creates, updates, and deletes records must be run on a schedule. This article will walk you through adding the job to a new scheduled task, but you are free to add it to an existing one. More information on scheduled tasks may be found here.
Navigate to Scheduler > Overview.
Click the Add button to create a new scheduled task.
In the dialog box, set the type dropdown to "sync", provide a descriptive name of this task, and click Save.
On the following screen, configure the task to collect data from your source system.
(Optional) Disable evaluation.
Next to Execute, click the Add button.
In the added dropdown, select the job that you created in the previous step.
Under the Schedule tab, enable the schedule and configure the task to run at your desired interval.
Click Save.