Data panes
The default number of rows that NIM displays in a single pane is 1000. CSV exports and the Search field include only include these rows.
If your data has more than 1000 rows, include them by increasing the value in the Preview field. For example:

The text box contains the number of rows you're requesting, and the value in parentheses is the number of rows actually returned by NIM.
To increase the default number of requested rows, see Increase default preview count for data panes.
NIM only internally processes the number of requested rows. Therefore, in some situations, increasing the number of requested rows also causes the number of returned rows to increase.
This is most common with the Exclude rows by duplicate value feature in Filters. Requesting more rows can trigger additional processing based on your configured Relation items.
If this happens, increase the number of requested rows to a very high value. For example, if your filter has 75,000 rows, request 2,000,000 rows. You may need to keep increasing this value until the number of returned rows stops increasing.
To access the original data set for a certain pane, go to C:\ProgramData\Tools4ever\NIM
and locate the appropriate folder & file. For example, to access the full users
table of an Active Directory system, go to C:\ProgramData\Tools4ever\NIM\sysdata\systems\ad\<YYYYMMDDHHMMSS>