Step 4: Configure the Password Rest Profile
The next step is to configure a password reset profile. A password reset profile is a collection of settings that bring together various pieces of the password reset process. It also contains various settings that can be configured to customize the password reset experience for your end users.
Navigate to Configuration > Password Reset
Click Add.
Provide a profile name (e.g., "employee_password_reset") and click Save.
You are now taken to the Configuration tab of the new password reset profile.
Configuration Tab
In the Password reset app dropdown, select the "PasswordReset" app.
If you do not have this app in your list, contact support or download the app and its images from GitHub.
The contents of the included apps folder must be copied to C:\ProgramData\Tools4ever\NIM\config\apps.
The contents of the images folder must be copied to C:\ProgramData\Tools4ever\NIM\config\images.
In the Account filter dropdown, select the Profile Lookup filter that you created in Step 3.
For Password reset app error form and Error description id, select "message".
If you do not see "message" in one or both of these dropdowns, your PasswordReset app may be incomplete or corrupted. Reinstall a fresh copy from GitHub, or contact support.
Next to Password reset profile forms, click the Add button six times.
Set the Form name, Form function, Form variable, Execute, and Notifications columns to the values shown in the screenshot below.
Click Save.
Next, click on the Action variables tab.
Action Variables Tab
This is where you will map data from the Profile Lookup filter onto variables that will be used later on in the password reset process.
Find the unique identifier for the user account in your target system. In Active Directory, this is objectGUID. In Google Workspace, this is id. Click on the
icon next to the unique identifier to have NIM auto-generate a variable name for that field.
Click Save.
Next, click on the Password reset actions tab.
Password Reset Actions Tab
This is where you will define the actions that NIM takes within target systems when an end user submits a new password. Most often, this will simply be specifying the user's new password, but you are free to launch other actions as you see fit.
Click the Add button to add an action.
Select the newly-added action.
In the System dropdown, select the desired target system (e.g., Active Directory or Google Workspace).
In the Function dropdown, select "User Update" or the target system's equivalent.
Under the Input tab, your target system's unique identifier will be listed in bold. Change its Value Source to "variable". Then, select the appropriate variable in the Constant value/Variable dropdown, as shown below. This will instruct NIM to target the user account associated with the end user who is submitting the request.
Also under the Input tab, find the target system's password field. Change its Value Source to "variable" and select the "vPassword" variable in the Constant value/Variable dropdown.
If you are setting a password in a Google Workspace system, you will also need to set the hashFunction field with the constant value of "nimCrypt".
Click Save.
Next, configure the mappings for the internal.password_reset system.