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NIM features a versatile logging system with three distinct types of logs: a General Log, a PowerShell Log, and a Script Log. Complementing these, the 'Options' feature in NIM allows users to define formatting rules. These rules, once set, are applied globally across all three log types. This means any formatting preferences or configurations established in the Options are consistently reflected in the General, PowerShell, and Script logs, ensuring a uniform logging experience across the board.

Each logging screen provides the ability to limit the timeframe you would like to view


Log Levels


Log Level












The General Log in NIM plays a crucial role as it forms the backbone of the logging system for the NIM Service. This log captures the core logging information, providing comprehensive insights into the operational aspects of the service. It's designed to record a wide array of data points, from system events to user actions, ensuring that administrators have a detailed and holistic view of the service's performance and activities. This level of logging is essential for troubleshooting, monitoring system health, and understanding user interactions with the NIM Service, making it an invaluable tool for effective system management.



The PowerShell Log in NIM is specifically dedicated to tracking the activities of PowerShell connectors. This specialized log captures detailed information about every action executed by these connectors. By focusing on PowerShell interactions, the log provides administrators with a clear and concise record of scripts run, commands executed, and any modifications made through the PowerShell connectors. This targeted logging is crucial for troubleshooting and analyzing the behavior of PowerShell scripts within the NIM environment, ensuring a transparent and accountable management of PowerShell-related activities.



The Script Log in NIM is an essential component designed to track and record the execution of scripts within the NIM environment. Each entry in this log represents a specific script that has been executed, along with a dedicated subset of logs detailing the script's operation. This layered logging approach allows for an in-depth analysis of each script's performance, including the sequence of actions taken, outputs generated, and any errors or issues encountered. The Script Log's structured format makes it invaluable for debugging and optimizing scripts, providing a clear and comprehensive view of script-based activities and their impact on the NIM system.



Options allow you to adjust the formatting rules for each log level. These rules will be enforced for each log, so you may need to add a rule for the same log level, but given a separate trigger for each log

  1. Select Add

  2. Select the log level you’d like to adjust the settings for

  3. Enter the matching text from the Message column you want this formatting rule to trigger on. The matching text will not trigger off any other column. This is not case sensitive.


    If you don’t enter any text, the rule will apply to all log levels, no matter the log level selected.

  4. Choose your preferred settings for bold or italic text, along with the text and background colors.

  5. Save your formatting rule.


If you have multiple rules for the same log level with the same trigger, only the first rule will be enforced. For example, here I have 2 rules for an error with the matching text “error”. The first rule is given red, italic text, and the second rule is given red, bold text. Only the first rule with red, italic text is enforced in the log.
