A job combines multiple Mappings and/or Roles into a single object, so NIM can evaluate & execute them together.
To get started, Create a job.
A common way to set up jobs is:
One job per target system, which contains:
Mapping operations (
type) per relevant resource type (e.g., users and groups), per relevant lifecycle stage (create, update, delete).A single role model operation (
type).Role model operations occur on a per-system basis rather than a per-lifecycle stage basis. Unlike mapping operations, role model operations aren't split into create, update, and delete stages. A single
operation executes all pending changes in your Active role model. Your jobs should never have more than onegroupmembership
operation for a given system.
For example:

However, you can set up your jobs differently, if makes more sense for your organization. For example, you can split the mappings and roles for a single target system into multiple jobs. Or, you can combine the mappings and roles for multiple target systems into a single job. It depends on what should be executed, when, and in what combination. You may also want to split up jobs just to simplify them.
When a job is executed, the mappings and role operations that it contains are executed sequentially, in the order that you've specified (the Index value, ascending).
Although it is possible to manually Evaluate and execute a job, you will usually want to schedule your jobs on a recurring basis using Sync tasks.
Jobs are trigger Events of type job